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Producers of petroleum and automotive products seeking to comply with state Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and/or packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws should register as soon as possible with Interchange 360. 

Who Should Register 

Brand-owners, retailers, distributors of petroleum and automotive products and their associated packaging that are captured by the definition of “Producer” in state EPR laws and as such will have a compliance liability should register with Interchange 360.

Examples of products that would be included in EPR laws include motor oils, engine lubricants or additives, anti-freeze, transmission/brake/gear oils, or other automotive, mechanical, and motor liquids. Typical packaging formats include rigid plastic or HDPE, bag-in-box, pales (e.g., 5-gallon buckets), metal, multi-layer tubes or bottles, aerosols, or other container designed for single-use.  

How to Register

Producers register with Interchange 360 by completing and submitting Participation Agreements for each regulated state in which they sell products.  

Post-Registration Compliance

Once the Participation Agreements are signed, covered producers will pay planning and/or implementation fees to Interchange 360 based on the volume of covered material sold in each state. The fees will cover the planning and implementation of each state program. For more information on fees and reporting, visit the Producer Compliance page. 

Note: The above information should be used for informational purposes only and not construed as legal advice. Individual Producers are encouraged to consult with their own legal counsel regarding their specific compliance obligations.